F. Jack Ramsey, MA, LCPC
Counseling for Adults & Kids in Pekin & Peoria
309 - 346 - 5378
Anger Management
Self-Assessing for a Problem with Anger
You may wonder if your anger is a true problem. Can you tell the difference between times when you were annoyed, times when you felt furious, and times when you felt angry?
Do you become angry more often than most people? Is your anger experienced more intensely than most people?
Have you experienced any of the following due to your anger?
Damage to personal relationships
Difficulties at work
Reduced ability to handle difficult situations
Experience with criminal justice system
Physical health problems
Personal and emotional distress
If the outcomes of your angry behavior are mostly negative and destructive for you and others, it's time to take stock of how you are responding to frustration, fear, hurt, and disappointment.
When a friend, family member, co-worker, boss, or stranger mentions or suggests you may benefit from an anger management program, it's probably time to look into it.
Sometimes Anger is All You Know
Anger is a part of our human nature, but it doesn't have to be a part of who we are. Sometimes we respond to situations with anger because it's the defense we know. It feels powerful, or safer, or familiar.
As adults, though, there are more effective responses to almost all situations. If you are struggling with anger that is destroying your relationships, or your job, anger management counseling can help.
I have worked with adults and children to understand and change their anger story. I provide coping skills to deal more effectively with the triggers and learned behaviors of anger.
Start making things different today.
Call for more info on anger management counseling now.
309 - 346 - 5378
Anyone can become angry -- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is not easy.
~ Aristotle